Updates for 2021-2022
From the Sep 2 2021 email sent by Committee Chair Danny Kim:
Dear parents, I hope this email finds you well despite the challenging
circumstances we are all facing (and now on top of Covid, we've had to deal with
tropical storms/hurricanes). We had an exciting summer with summer camp at Nobe
and the high adventure trips to Philmont and Summit. But we are still in times
of unprecedented uncertainty but with hopefully fewer unknowns ahead of us. In
the spirit of Scouting, our Troop leadership is trying its best to hope for the
best and be prepared to help our youth experience the most they can during these
times. Like last year, we wanted to take additional opportunities to communicate
some of our plans for the year. The following is Troop 201’s current plan and
thinking in a Q&A format. Our next Troop Parent meeting is on September 14th -
all parents are invited to attend and provide input. Please feel free to reach
out to me or any of the other registered leaders with any questions in the
Will the Troop resume in person Monday Troop meetings?
Herricks School district has not confirmed that Searingtown Elementary school
will be available for us to meet. However, we are currently exploring whether
the Herricks School District will allow us to meet outside Searingtown school
for meeting purposes, provided of course that we meet the state guidelines for
capacity, social distancing, wearing of masks, etc. If that is not possible,
then our fallback is to explore the American Legion or continue on-line troop
Will the Troop resume monthly camping trips?
What we are planning for is to organize outdoor trips as they become available
and adhere to safety protocols. Lastly, we expect to implement specific pre-trip
checks (e.g., temperature) in order to clear youths and adults who participate.
Will the cost to register change?
Yes. The national BSA organization and the local council have raised their
collective fees by $6 from $108 to $114. This includes the local council fees
which have not been finalized yet but we can expect a modest increase so the
final cost may be even higher. Again for this year, we have decided to not
participate in the Council popcorn fundraiser. We raised the membership fee to
$175 last year and we expect to keep the fee at $175 this year. Note that if
Council raises their fee substantially higher than expected, we may need to
raise the fee accordingly. As usual, we offer a $15 discount towards the fee for
a second/third child in the family. Lastly, BSA national retained its $25
registration surcharge for new youths who join the scouts for the first time
remains. Returning scouts, scouts moving up from cub scouts, or scouts
transferring from another Troop will not be required to pay the $25 surcharge.
Please plan to bring the appropriate amount (check only) to the first Troop
meeting (currently scheduled for Sep 13).
Click here
for more information about the program fee increase.
What is the Troop’s plan to ensure the safety of any in-person activity?
The Troop intends to follow all the applicable safety guidelines as provided by
the Council and pursuant to the relevant authorities. These guidelines may
include requiring each scout to use their own tent, reducing trips to day trips,
and taking temperature checks before leaving for a trip, etc.
The safety of our youths and all the adult volunteers is our primary concern. We
appreciate your input on any ideas or concerns that you might have.
Thank you and YIS,
Danny Kim
Troop 201 Committee Chairperson