Uniforms are an important part of scouting. They identify the youth and adults as members of the scout troop and provide a way for them to display
their achievements, position, and rank.
New scouts in the troop pay a one-time fee of $60.00 for a troop neckerchief and slide (for “Class A” uniform), T-shirt and sweatshirt (for “Class B”
Additional gear are available for sale.
Cotton T-shirt: | $10 |
Dri-Fit T-shirt: | $12 |
Hooded sweatshirt: | $25 |
Neckerchief: | $15 |
Neckerchief slide: | $10 |
For Summer Camp, it is recommended scouts bring at least five Troop 201 T-shirts.
Scouts will wear two uniforms:
The “Class A” uniform consists of The Official Scout shirt, pants, web belt, neckerchief and neckerchief slide.
The Class A uniform should be worn with shoes or hiking boots. Options are: socks, cap, merit badge sash (to display
merit badges earned), and shorts for warm weather. The Class A uniform is typically worn at Monday troop meetings,
to and from Summer Camp, each night at Summer Camp for dinner, parades, when meeting merit badge counselors, and all
formal events.
The “Class B” uniform consists of a Troop 201 t-shirt or sweatshirt. The pants and footwear will vary with
the season and type of activity. The Class B uniform is typically worn to and from weekend camping trips, and
within camp. It is also worn during participation in various outings, sporting events and informal events.
The troop neckerchief and slide are provided by the troop.
New scouts are responsible for securing the rest of the Class A uniform.
- “Class A” Shirt (short sleeve is recommended)
- “Class A” Pants (Scout pants are “convertible” pants with zip-off legs. Other khaki green colored shorts can be substituted for daily wear at summer camp.)
- Web belt and buckle
- World Brotherhood patch
- Theodore Roosevelt Council Patch
- The troop numbers “201”
- Patrol patch (varies by patrol)
Occasionally, the troop has a small supply of used pants and shirts. Used uniforms are available on the Internet. To purchase new uniforms,
there are the following local retailers. Personnel in each store are very helpful in providing assistance with patches and gear.
- Roberts Clothing Store, 152 Jericho Turnpike, Mineola 516-746-7234
- The Scout Shop, 544 Broadway, Massapequa 516-797-7600
While shopping for uniforms, purchase the Scout Handbook (the optional cover is recommended). Please don't feel obligated to purchase
additional “Official Scout” gear.
For camping, scouts will need a sleeping bag, a backpack, hiking boots, a mess kit (sturdy bowl, plastic cup with handle), a
refillable water bottle or canteen, a day-pack, poncho or rain gear, first aid kit, compass, whistle, and a knife, fork and spoon.
Sleeping pads (for insulation and comfort) are recommended.
Please see the
Trip Equipment and
Backpacking Equipment pages for details.
Speak with one of the adult leaders for information or assistance in selecting appropriate camping/hiking gear.