Dues & Finances (2024-2025)
Scout Troop 201 has
three sources of income to support its programs throughout the year.
Dues are collected every September, and are $65 per year.
This covers troop costs such as:
- Troop gear
- Liability Insurance fees
- Training costs for leaders and committee members
- Awards, pins, badges and advancement recognition
In addition, members need to use their my.scouting.org account to pay the following:
- BSA national dues ($85)
- BSA new member fee ($25 one-time)
- Theodore Roosevelt Council dues ($50)
- Optional Scout Life magazine subscription ($15)
We have reduced our general troop fundraisers to once a year.
- Holiday Wreath Fundraiser: each scout is expected to participate in making the wreaths and selling a minimum of 18 wreaths for $20 each.
We also have a Pancake Breaksfast fundraiser for our High Adventure trips.
- Each scout is expected to participate in selling a minimum of 5 tickets (10 for High Adventure participants) for $5 each.
- 50/50 raffle
- Gift basket raffle
- Bake sale
Trip/Activity Fees:
Fees for weekend trips and activities cover the cost of campsites, food, activities, and transportation costs.
Proceeds from dues, fundraisers, and fees cover expenses related to troop activities throughout the year:
- Lodging for all camping trips throughout the year
- Holiday Party: activity, gifts for scouts, food and beverages
- Junior Leader training workshops
- Webelos Moving-Up Overnight Campout and Ceremony: Moving-up ceremonies
- Equipment expenses: tents, propane, supplies
- Theodore Roosevelt Council “Friends of Scouting” contributions
In addition, new scouts in the troop pay a one time fee of $60.00 for a troop neckerchief and slide (for “Class A” uniform),
T-shirt and sweatshirt (for “Class B” uniform). Additional gear are available for sale.
Please see the
Uniform page for details.
For those new and existing scouts that would like to browse our selection of used scout clothing,
please check with the adult leaders. For those scouts who outgrow their clothing, please consider donating.
For camping, scouts will need a sleeping bag, a backpack, hiking boots, a mess kit (sturdy bowl, plastic cup with handle), a
refillable water bottle or canteen, a day-pack, poncho or rain gear, first aid kit, compass, whistle, and a knife, fork and spoon.
Sleeping pads (for insulation and comfort) are recommended.
Please see the
Trip Equipment and
Backpacking Equipment pages for details.
Speak with one of the adult leaders for information or assistance in selecting appropriate camping/hiking gear.